
Plastics in Biofilms Consortium

The main aim of the Plastics in Biofilms Consortium is to highlight the relevance and promote the investigation of plastic pollution in fluvial biofilms.

In particular, we focus on the stream biofilms and investigate how biofilms can act as hot spots of temporary MP retention.

Our final aim is to understand the complex interlinks between the fate of MP and the structure and functioning of fluvial biofilms, to contribute to assessing and finally reverting the ecotoxicological impact of plastic pollution in rivers and streams.

The Project

Plastic pollution has become an important environmental problem, but even so, the existing social and scientific-technical knowledge about the river is very poor.

In order to expand it, the i-LINK project “PlasticsInBiofilms” consolidates an international consortium of experts in river ecology and in biofilms, from Germany, Sweden, Canada, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Argentina and Spain.

After these first tasks, the correct implementation of the protocol will be tested and a workshop will be carried out to work on a methodological document with the results obtained.

Our Aims

The aim of the actions carried out by the project is to study the dynamics of plastic particles in river systems.

To achieve this, protocols will be developed and a pilot sampling system established to examine the presence of plastic particles in river biofilms that cover a wide range of climate gradients, and land use in regions of the planet distant from each other.

These first tasks will seek to implement the protocol everywhere, and a workshop will be held to work on a methodological document with the results obtained. Over the course of the project, the results will be published both in high-impact scientific journals and through this website

Finally, the project will conclude with a draft to be presented as a european project to study the dynamics of plastic particles in river systems.

Team & Centers

The project consolidates an international consortium of experts in river ecology and in biofilms, from Germany, Sweden, Canada, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Argentina and Spain.

From Spain

Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CSIC)

Helena Guasch profile
Eugènia Martí
Esperança Gacia
Susana Bernal
Daniel Bruno

Anna Lupon
Henar Margenat

Miquel Ribot

Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (CSIC)

Enrique Navarro profile

From France


Chloé Bonnineau profile
Soizic Morin profile

From Sweden

University of Gothenburg

Natalia Corcoll profile
Bethanie Carney Almorth profile

UMEA University

Ryan A Sponseller profile

From Canada

Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique

Isabelle Lavoie profile

From Germany

Helmholtz, Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ

Mechthild Schmitt-Jansen profile

From Switzerland

EAWAG Aquatic Research

Ahmed Tlili profile
Alexandra Kroll profile

From Denmark

AARHUS University

Tenna Riis profile

From Argentina

Instituto de Limnología “Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet” CONICET La Plata FCNyM (UNLP)

Joaquin Cochero profile
Mercedes Nicolosi Gelis profile
Rocío Pazos profile


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